A Message from the Creator, Michael McLean

The last time I was on stage performing The Forgotten Carols was in 2021. At the time, I only had the energy to perform in a handful of shows and only if they were close to my home. My kidney failure was such that the doctors told me I needed to do everything I could to find a living donor, as soon as possible, so I used the end of the show to reach out for help. During the 2021 post-show, I sang what I thought might be my swan song, literally.  It contained the line, “when I’m gone, the song’s still here”.  

I know, I know, I went on WAY too long during that post-show, and I know some of you might have even felt trapped in the audience. I am so sorry if that was the case for you, but it was something I felt I needed to do.  Turns out, that post-show, quite literally saved my life, because it led several people to the University of Utah transplant site to see if they might be able to donate their kidney to extend my life.  

One year later, on December 8th, 2022, I received my “Certified Pre-Owned Kidney”. As I’ve been recovering I’ve wanted to find a way to say thank you to everyone who was part of this miracle. And, no surprise, I’m doing it in a song: 

How can I say THANK YOU for the prayers in my behalf 

Five thousand, maybe more, for sure postponed my epitaph.  

I promise that I felt them and the good that has been done  



The surgeon spoke of colleagues the patients haven’t seen  

Five hundred souls that I don’t know were on my transplant team.  

Without their work in harmony this miracle’s not done  



It’s hard if not impossible to comprehend the gift  

More years to learn more lessons, more souls to love and lift  

And though I cannot count the ways that heaven intervened  

I’m starting with this number of fulfillers of the dream 


Still I can’t truly thank the ONE who chose to sacrifice  

And give me that ONE VITAL gift that will extend my life  

He said that he was doing this in love so I could live  

But more than that he couldn’t wait to see what I will give  

The gifts that only I can give before the race run  



So I promise I’ll do my best to give the show what only I can give and I hope that this  Christmas you will give each other what only YOU can give…your smile, your touch,  your laughter, your compassion, your perspective, your forgiveness, your  encouragement and your love. And if you’re afraid that won’t be enough, remember  what Connie Lou says at the end of the show, “Don’t be so scared. For unto you…a  Savior is born….a Savior is born for you.” 

Michael McLean


About The Author

In the past 30 years, Michael McLean has sold more than 1.5 million copies of his more than 30 albums, 5 books and 2 videos. He is a songwriter, composer, author, performer, playwright, film  producer and director. With a background in film, Michael began early in his career making  commercials for radio and television, and later used his film experience to produce and direct several films, including Together Forever, The Prodigal Son, and Mr. Krueger’s Christmas, starring film legend Jimmy Stewart.

He released his debut album, You’re Not Alone, in 1983 and from there began a best-selling musical legacy. Since 1991 Michael has performed The Forgotten Carols for more than 1 million people across the country, and “The Carols” has become a beloved tradition for thousands of families who mark the beginning of their holiday season with this magical musical. Michael and his wife, Lynne, have 3 children and 5 grandchildren and live in Daniel, Utah.